Best rate guarantee with direct booking!

No intermediary booking from our official site: here the best price guarantee for each room in our B & B

Family Suite


33sqm with sea view, ideal for experiencing unique and unforgettable moments with your family.
The Family Suite consists of two large bedrooms with double beds and a bathroom decorated with quality materials. It is also possible, on request, to add a baby bed for 0/3 years.
It is the ideal room for those who want to spend a holiday in comfort without missing anything. In addition to generous spaces, the modern finishes are accompanied by a non-slip oak parquet floor, ideal for the first steps of your younger children.

The mattresses and pillows are all hypoallergenic, anti-mite and antibacterial to give a safe sleep and a perfect rest.

In addition, outside the hotel, your children will find a beautiful garden, the pool skimmer with wide steps and lots of inflatables for fun in the water.

The family suite is also equipped with:

  • Wi-Fi
  • Conditioned air
  • TV Sat
  • Fridge Bar
  • Airdryer
  • Kettle with selection of herbal teas
  • Beach bag with bathrobe, beach towel and slippers
  • Bathroom with shower
  • Courtesy set
  • Scale
  • Changing table and high chair on request
  • Baby bed 0/3 years (on request)